2016/1/27 Wednesday

Huffington Post reviews Runoff

Filed under: News — Staff @ 20:50:25

Welcome to Range, Washington, an inland island — a body of land surrounded by rivers on all sides — that's half Snoquomish Indian Reservation, half small-town America, and 100% unbridled madness. Range's mayor has been running unopposed and ruling the town for half a century, like his father and grandfather before him, and the town's sheriff is a drunk in the early stages of alcoholic dementia, both of whom come quickly into play after a series of grisly murders takes place in the idyllic town. Not to mention, the citizens and those passing through suddenly realize that nobody can leave the city limits. [Cue The Twilight Zone music here.] Fingers point to Mort Carver as the murderer, a serial killer of brutal proportions who's been granted asylum on the Snoquomish Reservation, which is only the start of an accelerating series of oddities to occur within Range's boundaries into the fever pitch of its staggering conclusion. And so goes Tom Manning's wormhole of a horror graphic novel Runoff, in all its carnivalesque glory.

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