AnimeNation on the Rising of the Shield Hero
Since its October 2012 premiere online, the novel series has become a best seller, getting a commercial print publication by Media Factory in 2013 and an ongoing manga adaptation in 2014. The story revolves around Naofumi Iwatani, a Japanese college student abruptly transported to an un-named fantasy world plagued by a monthly invasion of ghastly beasts. Naofumi is summoned by the country of Melromarc to serve as one of its four legendary heroes that will subdue the ¡ÈWaves of Great Destruction.¡É While the other three summoned heroes, also coincidentally Japanese youths, wield a sword, spear, and bow, respectively, Naofumi is literally stuck with a shield that he can't take off and can't strike or attack with. Furthermore, magic prohibits him from even attempting to wield an offensive weapon. Despite being one of only four people capable of saving the world, Naofumi is immediately ostracized and vilified by the kingdom of Melromarc and even his fellow ¡Èlegendary heroes.¡É Informed that he can't return to Japan before the ¡ÈWaves of Great Destruction¡É are eliminated, Naofumi grudgingly sets to the task of leveling up and recruiting party members to save the very kingdom that inexplicably orders his execution only three days after his appearance in the world.
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